Bill Oxley - a 79-year-old retired officer of the CIA came out with very stunning confessions on his deathbed. One of them being " I Killed Bob Marley". The confession happened at the Mercy Hospital in Main on Monday after the officer was told he only has a few weeks left on earth. Other confessions included the alleged claimed to have committed seventeen (17) murders on account of America between 1974 and 1985.
Oxley, an operative with a top-level security clearance, is a trained sniper and marksman. He is also very well versed in other types of ways to kill notably poisons, explosives, induced heart attacks and cancer. His sets of skills put him in the top position to be used as a hitman by the organization targeting individuals who could or have been representing some type of threat.
March 1974 to August 1985, the lifespan of
his assassinations during which he was part of an operation unit
consisting of three (3) other assassins like himself. The aim of said unit
was to carry out political assassinations across the country and even foreign
countries. And so, murders were carried out on individuals of various
backgrounds, political activists, medical researchers, artists and musicians
whose ideas and influence “represented a threat to the interests of the
United States” reveals the retiree.
This is all a theory, and like all theories it could be complete bollocks. But it does sound very likely to me, although I am a paranoid conspiracy theorist…
Bob Marley would probably have preferred people to just smoke some ganja and listen to his music rather than freak out about him being murdered.
Ironically, it may have been his deep wisdom that got him killed.
He died back in 1981, but part of the reason this theory is potentially so important today, is the method of how he was killed.
Bob Marley didn't really just randomly die from cancer aged 36. Like several other high profile figures whose messages were a threat to the New World Order agenda, I strongly suspect he was murdered by CIA Operation 40.
CIA Operation 40, was originally set up in 1960 by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and George Bush Senior, and became a deadly CIA assassination squad that was used by elites to carry out destabilizing assassinations and false flag operations worldwide, including the assassinations of JFK, Robert F. Kennedy, and John Lennon, along with roles in Watergate and 9/11.
To that list I would add the assassination of Bob Marley.

This photograph of the members of Operation 40 was taken in a nightclub in Mexico City on 22nd January, 1963
This came out just before the confession, i can see some correlation.